Change the record Charlie

REKT Partners
Feb 18, 2022

98-year old Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Charlie Munger’s call for crypto to be banned and comparing it to a venereal disease will be music to the ears of crypto maxis — just like Berkshire’s 91-year old CEO Warren Buffett’s “Bitcoin is probably like rat poison squared” comment a few years ago. Buffett and Munger may well both have the gift of creating fantastic soundbites (and a collective stunning life-long investment record) but every time they comment on crypto in this way it seems like a stunning own-goal. There is no better way to illuminate the dramatic increase in influence of crypto than by these increasingly lurid comments from the grandfathers of TradFi (or SadFi as sometimes referred to on the Bankless podcast). #WAGMI, but don’t expect Buffett and Munger to join the party.



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